· The first booked lesson with a new client must paid for in advance at the time of booking. Failure to do so means that the space will no longer be available and could be booked by someone else.
· Any booked lesson must be cancelled (for ANY reason) 48 hours in advance. Failure to do so would mean that the full lesson will be to be covered at the time of cancellation.
· Coaches will notify clients of any issues related to weather conditions affecting a booked lesson with at least one hour’s notice.
· Payment must be made within 24 hours of a lesson taking place. Every 24 hour delay will induce a £5 additional fee. Failure to pay a lesson fee will mean no future lessons can be booked and the use of the Colombo Centre Tennis courts will be prohibited.
· Please note that any cancelled sessions due to weather will be rescheduled or a credit will be provided for future bookings if the lesson was paid for. It is our philosophy to try and run coaching sessions wherever possible.
· Coaching will only be cancelled in advance if the appropriate forecasting tools (e.g. MET Office, Accuweather) indicate with certainty that the session would be unsafe to run.
· When lessons are fully subscribed, we operate a ‘waiting list’.
· Appropriate balls and training equipment will be provided for each session.
· Racquets can be rented for a fee.
· We operate a Priority Booking system for all our coaching sessions.
· Clients already participating in coaching will be given ‘priority’ to book onto any available slots
· Southbank Tennis reserves the right to terminate sessions if a customer behaves in a way that breaches the Coaching code of conduct.
· Coaching fees may change from time to time. Coaches will give one month’s advance warning of any changes incoming
· Where possible all disputes will be prevented by open and honest communication between client and coach.
· If a player is a ‘no-show’ to a particular session 20 minutes after the schedule time then we reserve the right to cancel the session with the full payment required.
· You confirm that you/your child do not suffer from health problems that would hinder exercise or prevent you from engaging in exercise, or that would be detrimental or adverse to you/your child’s health, safety or physical condition if you/your child did exercise. In case of any doubt, you shall seek advice by a medical doctor who should confirm the ability to exercise.
· Southbank Tennis shall have no obligation to perform a fitness assessment or similar testing to determine your/your child’s physical condition.
· Southbank Tennis cannot accept liability for any claims, damages, costs and demands in respect of death or personal injury arising from the use of the facility and our sessions by the customer pursuant to this agreement except insofar as such death or personal injury arises from negligence on the part of the Southbank Tennis Coaching staff.
· Southbank Tennis cannot accept responsibility for the loss of or damage to personal property incurred whilst on the premises.